Interested in Brand Management?? (Tweet, Tweet)

17 Oct

I recently stumbled upon #brandchat, which is a live twitter chat about what? Brand Management! It is run by @brandchat whose goal is to stimulate conversation about personal and professional brand management. They chat is primarily composed of professions whose career deals with communication and brand management, but they are very accepting of others that aspire to be where they are or just are really interested in the topic.

This Week we spoke about Brands and their loyalty programs. Are they effective at achieving their goal of increasing the loyaly of the consumers? The overarching opinion was yes. Many tweet chatters, believe that loyalty programs are really good at retaining the loyalty of the brand’s consumers. I, however, did not necessarily disagree, but I did indeed and a stipulation. I believe that loyalty brands are not needed by every company and I used the example of Apple. In my opinion, Apple does not need a brand loyalty program because their consumers are loyal to them by default due to convenience. Apple has set up their products in a way that in order to reach optimum efficiency, the consumer needs to continue buying only Apple products because only Apple products work with other Apple products. My statement was received well (as in they understood where I was coming from), but they continued to add the Apple seems rely to much on this and are starting to loose steam. I couldn’t deny this. But they did not just condemn Apple they provided solutions that Apple could use to amend their relationship with their customers. Although this was only one thing mentioned in discussion, I learned a lot from the chat and I really appreciated the different perspectives about branding in general.  

If you are as interested as I was in brand management and engaging in conversations with like-minded people, follow @brandchat and tweet #brandchat on Wednesdays 10-11 am Central to join the fun.




If you are interested in starting to build connections with others that are interested in PR, Communications or Brand Management, follow me on twitter @CharityJJacks

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